Start Attracting and Developing the Talent You Need

Registered Apprenticeships are unique and effective customized training solutions that will broaden your applicant pool, close your skills gap, increase productivity, reduce turnover, increase engagement, and lower recruitment costs.

What Is a Registered Apprenticeship Program?

A Registered Apprenticeship Program (RAP) is an “industry-driven, high-quality career pathway where employers can develop and prepare their future workforce, and individuals can obtain paid work experiences, classroom instruction, and a portable, nationally-recognized credential.”
– Dept. of Labor


Incorporating business involvement, on-the-job training, related technical instruction, incremental wage increases, and nationally recognized credentialed registered apprenticeships—is the gold standard in training and workforce development.
Apprenticeships are essential in nearly all industries, including automotive, construction, manufacturing, healthcare, hospitality, insurance, information technology, retail, and more, and have already been customized to over 1000 different occupations.

RADD will work with your team to create a customized program that fits your needs and train on your process, your machines, and at your pace.

RADD will help you select appropriate related instruction providers, help you enroll your candidates into the programs and work with the DOL on your behalf to ensure all requirements are satisfied. We also help you access funding and grants that might offset any costs associated with the training.

Our full-service apprenticeship management service can act as a virtual training manager and support the tracking and reporting of individual apprentice progress.


Click below for a free consultation regarding
Registered Apprenticeship Programs.


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Registered Apprenticeship Design & Development




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